Government Grants


Access federal and provincial government funding programs

Make an appointment
Woman on a Rock Symbolizing the Fullness of Research

Don’t settle for less

Optimize your requests


Specializing in federal and provincial funding and government relations, our agency will provide you with the structure and methodology necessary to achieve your strategic business development objectives. This ensures that you are aware of all the grant programs to which you are entitled and their eligibility criteria. In addition, we will be there to support you in their application and to ensure your relations with the government.



Our offer …

Whatever your need for funding or government business relationships, we are here to find you the best programs and ensure effective support from the federal government.

Business Development

To identify the right government customers and get appointments.

Government Affairs

To develop your government affairs strategy, communicate with Ottawa officials or sell your products to the federal government.

Non-dilutive financing

Our extensive experience with federal and provincial funding programs allows us to find you the grants to which you are entitled, among the 4500 available. Our specialty: the Strategic Innovation Fund!


As registered lobbyists, we provide a full range of services in government relations, implementation of business development programs and strategic advice.

Strategic Advice

Benefit from 30 years of experience in Canada and Europe, from our business strategy experts.


A Team of Professionals

Philip Murphy Honeybadger Zebre Strategie

Philip Murphy

Government Affairs

A former chief of staff to Mr. Harper, he maneuvers brilliantly within the federal government. His expertise will open all the doors of Ottawa to you.


Web Marketing Specialist

Sandrine Lassalle


A fine strategist of grant files, his knowledge of the different programs will get you the best possible funding.



Try our method


We will provide you with a list of all the grant programs to which you are entitled.

This is an opportunity to determine your roadmap for funding opportunities

Strategic Planning

We will define with you the priority of the company’s various projects according to the financing opportunities.

The funding strategy sets short-, medium- and long-term funding targets.

Application to Programs

Once the funding strategy is approved, we proceed with the applications to the various government programs chosen according to your priorities.


Our Areas of Specialization


After more than 10 years as VP of Government Relations at MDA, aerospace programs are our specialty.


Selling internationally, participating in a trade show, promoting your products, finding distributors or registering a trademark abroad, all this can be subsidized,


Medical, green technologies, food or the manufacturing industry, there is no shortage of innovation projects… Neither are subsidies!


To limit the risks on your farm, reduce the use of pesticides or simply support dairy or poultry production,

Sustainable development

The environment is important to you and you have integrated it into your business strategy, it is time to be helped and rewarded for the efforts made,


From the robotization of your production lines to the implementation of a quality system, we master the sources of financing for your projects.

Grant Programs

Our latest successes…

As a privileged interlocutor for Canadian industry leaders, we are used to applying for programs in innovation, sustainable development technologies, exports, robotization, etc.

We have become the specialists in these subsidies. This has allowed us to raise several million dollars for our clients by conserving their time and resources.

Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)

$10 million minimum for all your industrial innovation projects…

Sustainable Development Technologies (SDTC)

$3.7 million to support the reduction of phytosanitary inputs in agriculture

Exports and Marketing

$130,000 to benefit from an export diagnosis and prospecting abroad

Robotization and Automation

$375,000 to modernize a production line and implement a CSR and FSSC 22000 system


Recognized by Canada’s Top Companies


The figures speak for themselves…



Submitted files




Acceptance Rate


A word from our director

Create Your Own Opportunities

“I am always fascinated by the creativity of companies and the innovation of their projects. But also very surprised by the lack of knowledge of the financing opportunities they could benefit from…”

Let’s stay in touch

+1 438 348 4546

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