Your bridge to the international market


Customized strategic solutions for startups and SMEs targeting international markets


International strategy

International Strategy for Global Markets

Grow your global presence

Go global with confidence. Our experts support you every step of the way, from market analysis to implementation in your target countries. We prepare your business and simplify your navigation in international markets. With our tailor-made solutions, we optimize your investments and accelerate your access to new markets. Find out how our expertise facilitates your international expansion.


Our Services


Market research

Get insights for informed decisions about the 27 countries of the European Union and South Korea.

Business Networking

Form strong, long-lasting strategic connections with our extensive network of expert partners


Comply with European regulations: GDPR, CE marking, labelling, additives, environmental standards, etc.

International Marketing

Optimize your products and services to meet the cultural needs and preferences of each target market.


Define and implement strategies for international markets, maximizing your growth opportunities.


Establish efficient and flexible sales channels to reach your customers anywhere in the world, from Europe to Asia.

A tailor-made offer

Plan your deployment

At Zèbre Stratégie, we understand your unique needs. Our international development program adapts to your situation and ambitions. Our three-phase approach ensures successful entry and growth in the European and Korean markets.


Our personalized approach


Pre-entry planning and strategy


  • Market analysis : In-depth study of the European and Korean markets to identify opportunities.

  • Regulatory Compliance : Complete preparation for the European regulatory environment to ensure compliance.

  • Strategic Plan : Development of a customized roadmap for a successful market entry.

Go-to-Market and Establishment


  • Implementation : Activate your strategy with our support to establish a solid presence.
  • Local support : Benefit from our on-site teams for implementation and operational management, ensuring an efficient and personalized relay in your target market.

  • Networks and Bases : Building strategic networks and establishing core operations in Europe or South Korea.

Growth and post-entry support


  • Ongoing Support : Regular advice and assistance to adapt and expand your impact in the market.

  • Growth : Expansion strategies to strengthen your presence and explore new market segments.

Expertise and listening for your success

Your Opening to Europe and Korea

Expand into the European and Korean markets with the support of our experts, who understand the intricacies of each market to develop tailored strategies at every stage of your development. Discover how Zèbre Stratégie transforms your global ambitions into local successes.

Our entire network at your side

Our partners


What our customers say

Rachel Tardif

General Manager of Gaspé Cured

I highly recommend Zèbre Stratégie for their services in terms of international strategic planning and EU regulations. I hope to work with them again on future projects!

André Barbeau

President of the Abbey of Val Notre-Dame

Zèbre Stratégie helped us export our products to France. Their expertise and the efficiency of their follow-ups have motivated us to improve our quality control with the ISO 22000 standard. We highly recommend them for developing and exporting business.

Jacques Boulogne

Co-founder of Bakfull

Zebre strategie is extremely effective. I had to collaborate with them on the development of Bakfull beer in the West Indies. Their culture and experience were decisive. I was particularly impressed by their "out of the box" creativity. A safe bet!

5077 Cumberland Avenue, Montréal, Qc H4V 2N5
+1 438 348 4546

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